

独家对话联合国前副秘书长:建议特朗普夫妇多到中国,把绿色发展经验带回美 ...

2025-1-25 08:31| 發佈者: admin| 查看: 540| 評論: 0

摘要: 专题:特朗普2.0时代气候危机与全球应对  新浪财经ESG评级中心提供包括资讯、报告、培训、咨询等在内的14项ESG服务,助力上市公司传播ESG理念,提升ESG可持续发展表现。点击查看【ESG评级中心服务手册】  李涛/ ...

专题:特朗普2.0时代 气候危机与全球应对




  新浪财经第一时间对话联合国前副秘书长兼环境规划署执行主任埃里克·索尔海姆(Erik Solheim)。他表示,美国再次宣布退出《巴黎协定》非常不负责任,特朗普政策的输家将是美国人民,其政策结果相当于放弃新能源市场机遇。


  对于ESG与SDG的未来发展,索尔海姆表示,绿色转型可能在一定阶段会受到部分减缓,但政治决策无法使其倒退。因为中国政府的政策驱动和中国企业的降本努力,已经使得太阳能(4.390, 0.02, 0.46%)、风能等新能源成为“经济上的胜利”。因此,这一方向不可逆转。







  A:效果达不到预期,因为可再生能源现在已经成为全球最便宜的能源。十年前,从煤炭转向太阳能需要付出巨大的成本,但现在却是经济上的胜利。太阳能价格下降了90%,风能也下降了近乎相同比例。因此,可再生能源的推动力不取决于华盛顿,而是取决于市场。新世界(7.860, 0.04, 0.51%)是由通威、隆基和其他推动太阳能革命的公司创造的,而不是由气候谈判决定的。绿色转型可能会受到一定程度的减缓,但政治决策无法使其倒退。







  1.The United States has once again announced its withdrawal from the Paris Agreement at a time when the Earth is experiencing its hottest year since 1850 (coinciding with severe wildfires in California). What impact will this event have on the global community? How does this situation compare to the circumstances surrounding the U.S. withdrawal from the agreement in 2017?

  Its deeeply offensive that the nation which has contributed most to the climate crisis, tells the rest of the world that we need to fix the mess the US has been so critical in creating. However China, India, Europe and others are fighting climate change not to please the US but in their own interest. They will provide the necessary leadership as they understand floods, droughts, extreme heat and wildfires are major threats to them. Added these nations see climate action as an opportunity for green growth, cheaper energy and better lifes.

  At the end the loser from Trumps policy will be the people of the United States who will not only experience more climate effects like the wildfires in California but also miss economic opportunities and the jobs created  in solar and wind energy, electric cars and batteries and more. US will be the loser both in economic and ecological terms.

  2.The United States is once again prioritizing traditional energy sources at the policy level, while incentives for renewable energy are experiencing significant setbacks. Many large American companies are withdrawing from ESG frameworks. What impact will this have on the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and sustainable development as a whole?

  The effects will be less than expected because renewables are now the cheapest energies everywhere in the world. Turning from coal to solar was a huge cost ten years ago, now its an economic win. Solar has fallen 90% in price, wind nearly as much. So the drivers for renewables dont depend on Washington, but on markets. The new world  is created by Tongwei, LONGi and all the other companies driving the solar revolution, not on climate talks. The green transformation can be slowed somewhat, but not be turned back,  by political decisions.

  Added the vast majority of Americans support climate action. Big states like California and New York will continue to act and even if they scale down on ESG commitments, business is highly likely to continue to go green. Trump was not able to brake the downward slide of coal during his first presidency. It is however important for all of us to make sure ESG becomes a real force for business change, not a costly bureaucratic exercise with limited impact.

  3.China is the largest leader in the global new energy market and industry. What role do you think China will play?

  China is the indispensible nation in the green transformation. The new figures from 2024 are astonishing. China added 280 gigawatt of wind power in this one year alone, that is double as much as the the second nation, the US, has built in it’s existence. China is 60% or more of all green investments - solar, wind, hydro, electric cars and batteries, metros and high speed rail. Added China is the wolds largest tree planter and is leading on nature conservation.

  The breakneck speed of the green drive in China itself, as well as the Belt and Road initiative, positions China well for global leadership. China has however less experience than the US in leading global political processes so the rest of the world should encourage China to step up and lead more.

  4.If given the opportunity, what would you like to say to President Trump?

  Mr President! Before you make wrong decisions, please take a week off. Bring Melanie and go on a tour of the most modern cities of China , Shenzhen and Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Shanghai for example. Please watch the modernity of China and the green developments. Then return home and use your power to bring similar high speed rail, modern airports, clean and safe metros and solar power to the wonderful nation called the US.













GMT+8, 2025-2-22 13:42

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